الجمعة، 26 ديسمبر 2008

The Unlimited Nature of Space and Bandwith

When you look at the different packages that hosting companies offer, remember that most chances are that you are not going to use most of the features. The average shared hosting account will do well with any package that offers more than 1GB of sapce (almost any respectable hosting company these days). Bandwith should not be an issue to most sites as well, as even some of the sites I support, who have 50,000 unique visitors per month and hundreds of thousands of page views load up nicely on a simple shared gosting plan.

Today Midphase announce they increase accounts size from 25GB to 200GB, and traffic was doubled to 3,000GB of bandwidth a month. Obviously, they would not offer these “deals” if people would actually take advantage of it. Since almost no one reaches these limits, they can keep increasing them as a marketing tool.

So unless you plan to open the next YouTube, disregard space/bandwidth info when you choose a host.

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